Welcome to The Ray Society


The Ray Society was founded by George Johnston in 1844 to honour the name of John Ray (1628-1705), one of the most eminent and influential naturalists of his time. Ray published works on birds, mammals, fish, insects and plants, bringing order to the chaotic mass of names in use by contemporary naturalists.

The Ray Society is not about John Ray himself but exists to publish books on natural history with special, but not exclusive reference to the flora and fauna of the British Isles. To date, 178 volumes have been published.

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Out now - Chemosymbiotic bivalves Lucinidae

Chapters include:

  • Habitats occupied by Lucinidae
  • Phylogeny and classification
  • Diversity and distribution

This volume is now available to buy in the Zoology section of publictions.

See specimen pages 36-37, 64-65,186-187,        282-283

Comments about "Lucinidae"

Philippe Bouchet a leading malacologist based at the Natural History Museum in Paris ('Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Sorbonne Universites, Paris).

"I have had your book in my hands since yesterday. It is truly magnificent. I like the lay out and the illustrations are fantastic (as usual; but having so many of them in one book makes the whole thing admirable). You must be pleased, and justifiably proud. Bravo !"

Paul Valentich-Scott, Curator Emeritus of Malacology, Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History.

"This is amongst the best books on bivalves. It is spectacular. The art program is excellent with many wonderful photographs and illustrations depicting lucinid features and characteristics. If bivalves can be sexy, this book definitely highlights that attribute. The descriptions of subfamilies and genera are clear and concise and should easily be used even by those not dedicated to bivalve taxonomy. This book will be seen as the pivotal work on this group for decades to come."


Bivalve molluscs Front Cover
Sad Announcement - Dr Nick Evans

Sad Announcement - Dr Nick Evans

I am deeply saddened to inform you of the passing of our council member, colleague, and friend, Dr Nick Evans. Nick passed away very suddenly on May 18th at the age of 73, at his home in London. He was an integral part of The Ray Society and made significant contributions to ensure the society's success.

A family funeral will be held on June 10th, with a celebration of Nick's life to be held at a later date.

Our thoughts are with Penny and his family during this difficult time.

Latest Publications

Ray Society volumes are available to members at very reduced prices. Concessionary sales, limited to one per member are usually about half the retail price. Further sales to members are 20% off the retail price. There is a standard charge of £9 p&p per order on all sales.